Whenever I meet someone new and they learn I'm a makeup artist, the first question I get is, "What products do you use?" This question is two-fold. Some women want to know what I use in my work kit (aspiring makeup artists or Multilevel marketing reps ask this one), while other women want to know what products I use personally.
The inquiry is almost always whispered, as though we're discussing top secret subject matter. If I'm in a social setting, it can create a frenzy if other women realize I'm giving out free beauty secrets. Hosts hate having me at parties.
As much as I understand the question and I do the same thing when I meet, say, an interior decorator ("Where do I get the best organic bamboo flooring?"), it can make every day feel like I'm "on duty."
I tried to devise a quick, one liner, something like the log line for a movie, "I have a large assortment of good quality brands in my kit." Women weren't buying that AT ALL. They wanted name dropping.
But the truth is I have so many different brands in my kit (and my bathroom) it would take several cocktail parties to get through the list. But since going (mostly) natural/organic with my products, I've found an easier way to answer the question.
"I find almost all of my products on the Indie Beauty Network!" Aw, sweet, simple and informative.
Most women I encounter haven't heard of the Indie Beauty Network. That's because the brands/women whose products are on the Indie Beauty Network don't usually have Lancome's cashflow, so you won't see full page glossy ads in this month's Vogue.
That doesn't mean the indie products aren't good - some of them from a beauty standpoint and an environmental one.
Brands like Urban Apothecary and Priia provide all the lux and shimmer of M.A.C. with a healthy twist. On shoots, I regularly use Eve Organics and Fusion of Color eye shadows and concealers, respectively.
These brands and hundreds more are found at Indie Beauty Network. When I want natural bath products or raw ingredients for my homemade hair products, I hop over to the site to see who's got the best shea butter or purest essential oils.
The social network is a great plus. Can you get online and discuss the ingredients in your foundation with the formulator over at Clinique? I think not. The option to customize my colors, textures and ingredients (with the person who's actually making the product!) is a nice perk.
Occasionally, women balk at the notion of ordering makeup and skincare online. I originally thought I'd hate it, too. But it's not a big deal at all. Order samples before you get the full sized product. I now find I prefer ordering online because I don't have to fight through the mall scene every time I need to replenish my favorite blush.
To connect with this community of great product manufacturers, go to the Indie Beauty Network social site and sign up for an account. You don't have to be a makeup artist, just a beauty enthusiast.
Here's a fun list of why It's good idea to buy indie.
Disclaimer: Not all products found on the Indie Beauty Network are natural or organic. I do love a few big name brands and products that don't fit the healthy description. Sort of like a vegan who sneaks down an ice cream cone now and again. Nars Orgasm blush will always be my first love (for my work kit) and Loreal Voluminous carbon black mascara will be placed in my coffin with me. I've already requested it in writing.