Hey Ladies,
As you've probably noticed, I've struggled to keep up my daily writing because, well, the weather is so darn nice now. I've been out like crazy enjoying the parks, theater and a new lounge in our area that has the best music and the friendliest staff ever.
My life is in transition right now (hugely personal family stuff that I can't get into in detail) as I am rediscovering what I like to do and who I like to spend my time with. But my cyber family is important, too.
So to make up for my sluggish typing habits of late, I have a GREAT giveaway for you ladies. I know. You're probably all sick of giveaways by now, right? No? Phew. I was concerned I was boring you all. LOL
This new giveaway came via a gift from Cover FX just for this site. I use Cover FX products frequently on shoots because of the great coverage their foundations and concealers offer.
This giveaway is a brand new Cover FX product that was launched just last month: Brite Prep FX Brightening Foundation Primer with SPF 50. As always, I wanted to use the product before offering it as a giveaway.
I used it on myself for the past week and I have to say my powdered mineral foundation went on really well. There were no spaces where the powder looked thinner than others and I seemed to need less on my brush thanks to the primer. Everything looked flawless. My skin had a luminous glow, as well.
BUT on my brown skin, the SPF turned purple (this is common with most SPF products) and created a cool hue to my foundation, making it slightly more blue than yellow.
When I tried the brightener on white skin, it looked great without shifting the foundation color. I'm not sure if the shift in tone on brown skin would be particularly noticeable to an untrained eye, but in my line of work, I notice the slightest shifts.
This product would be great simply as sun protection, even if you're not wearing foundation over top. It has some pretty impressive science behind it that offers state-of-the art age fighting and cell regeneration.
A customer on Sephora.com wrote a review saying she found the product to be greasy. I didn't notice this at all. I think overall, it's a great addition to an already fantastic line.
So, you want to try it for yourself? It's a $45 value, by the way. All you have to do is 1)Publicly follow this blog (see the Keep In Touch button to the right)
and 2)leave a comment at the end of this post telling me you'd like to win.
A week from now, on June 22, 2009, I'll do a random drawing and pick one of your names.
Good luck, ladies. And get out and enjoy the good weather!