Amidst my home duties and my business responsibilities some days, like today, are jammed packed with so much activity I never make it out of my pajamas.
My agent called to ask if I could do a one-hour makeup job. The pay was all right, but I'd have to drive two hours round-trip to do the gig.
A client called my assistant fifteen times about something that I already took care of. I had to cancel my much anticipated acupuncture appointment because of a business appointment.
And I forgot to pay my Macy's bill on time and got slapped with a $29 late fee.
Just when I was ready to crawl in bed and pull the covers over my head, the mailman stuck a little brown envelope through my door slot. Yipppppeeee! Samples. I love receiving beauty samples.
Today's package included these five organic lip balm samples from Eco-Lips. The timing couldn't have been better. I have been fighting a valiant battle against dry, chapped lips all winter.
I opened a tube and applied it on the spot. The first two things I noticed were the delicious coconut smell and the creamy consistency. But to my surprise, there was also a hint of color. Nice.
But, my business showcases natural/organic products. LOTS of brands are trying to get a piece of the natural/green market by naming their products with buzz words like eco this or that. I wanted to make sure this product lived up to its name.
After spending close to an hour reading the Eco-Lips website (and doing some undercover research of my own), I'm happy to say I'll be including this product in my workshop recommendations. Most of their products contain 90% or more organic ingredients.
Sunflower oil, Castor Seed oil, Rosemary, Vitamin E and Aloe Vera are a few of the good things included in these balms. And for all the vegans out there, there's no carmine (a bug) in these products. They even have a line that is also bee's wax free.
They do not contain Gluten, Hydrogenated Oil or Petrolatum.
And with their solar powered plant project under way, I have to say, this company has won my heart.
And my lips feel pretty nice right now, too.
Eco-Lips lip balms are available from their site or at Whole Foods and independent health food and beauty stores.