Any makeup artist worth her weight in eye shadow will tell you Nars Orgasm blush is the best color ever invented. It's won all sorts of awards for it's unique peach/pink/sparkle that lights up most skin tones from palest ivory to the deepest caramel. But I really want my entire makeup kit to be from brands that are purposeful about non-toxic ingredients. I'm not saying I know that Nars has awful stuff in their blush. I'm saying I want to support brands that make it known that their focus is to make healthy products.
With that in mind, I've slowly removed all of the mainstream cosmetics from my kit - except Nars Orgasm. Each time I've reached for the black matt rectangle sitting atop my kit, I break out into a cold sweat. How could I part with such a perfect color? Last week while on a makeup job in New York, I confessed my hypocrisy on Facebook. And asked for help. Anybody out there make a mineral blush as wonderful as Nars Orgasm?
Kathy Duncan from Fusion of Color answered my call. "I have a color I've formulated that I think matches it pretty closely." My pulsed raced. But wait. What if she only thought she had a similar color? I didn't want to get my hopes up. I answered her email with a tirade of questions - does your color have those finely milled sparkles that sit on the cheek bones just right? What about the slight pink undertones beneath the perfect peach?
Finally, I got on her nerves. I've been known to do that. "I think it matches well," she answered. "But I'll send you a sample and you can decide." Today my Orgasm substitute came. I ripped open the envelope and pulled out the teeny container. I noticed Kathy's more modest name for her blush: Oh Me, Oh, My. But we all get the picture here. *wink*
Anyway, I shook a little out into the palm of my hand. Hmmm. It certainly looked like Orgasm. Then I rubbed a bit between my fingers to check for the slight sheen that has made Orgasm famous. Yep, it was there.
The last test was my boyfriend. His skin is fair with the slightest hint of a summer tan. "Try this blush on your arm for me," I asked with my best "please" face. He initially said no, but I wore him down. As soon as I blended the blush on his arm, I was in awe. It was an incredibly convincing natural version of my beloved blush. Fusion of Color's version is slightly more pigmented, so the color adheres more and will work on darker skin tones, as well. The best application, in my opinion, would be with a fan brush to keep it soft. I let out a sigh of relief. My honey shook his head, smiling. He will no longer hear my whines about how I can't part with Orgasm even though I'm supposed to be all about the healthier side of beauty.
Now I can have my favorite blush and my integrity. What's your favorite blush?
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